Category Archives: SEL News
6 Ways Social-Emotional Learning Can Support Trauma-Sensitive Schools
June 5, 2019
In our first installment of our series on trauma-sensitive schools, we discovered how common trauma is among school-age children, and how it shapes every dimension of students’ experience. With half of all students suffering some sort of serious trauma, it … READ MORE
Why We Need Trauma-Sensitive Schools
May 28, 2019
How many students do you think are dealing with significant traumas in each classroom in America? How many are contending with violence, sexual abuse, chemical dependence, mental health issues, or an incarcerated parent? When the CDC conducted research on … READ MORE
What Does It Take to Be Your Best Self?
May 7, 2019
What does it take to be your best self when you struggle with mental health issues? The secret lies in getting help, sharing our struggles, and learning to be fully present with past traumas, as artists like Lady Gaga know … READ MORE
How to Train Kids Not to Be Bystanders
March 19, 2019
What would it take to end bullying in your school and in your community? Answers vary, but they all include one key ingredient: the community, as a whole, actively discouraging bullying in order to create a culture of care. The … READ MORE
Do Positive Attitudes Really Make a Difference?
January 24, 2019
Does seeing the glass half-full benefit us? Does it really make a difference? Could it even disadvantage us? The answers to these questions might come as a surprise. A growing consensus of research shows positive attitudes have a measurable impact … READ MORE
4 Reasons Why PBIS and SEL Belong Together
January 8, 2019
A growing chorus of educators is touting the benefits of integrating Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) with Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) programs. Here are four demonstrable advantages of implementing SEL alongside PBIS. Sometimes a common need generates more than one … READ MORE
Juuling and Smoking: What Teachers – and Parents – Should Know
June 21, 2018
It’s small, it’s potent, and your students are using it. What you need to know about the dangers of Juul and cigarette smoking. Understanding Juul begins with appreciating the changing terrain of public health policy around tobacco use. For … READ MORE
4 Helpful Things You Can Say to a Suicidal or Depressed Friend
June 11, 2018
Talking to someone struggling with severe depression or suicidal thoughts can feel intimidating. It’s hard to know what to do. Here’s what to say to someone who reaches out for help. They were celebrities at the pinnacle of achievement … READ MORE