Professional Development Training
Respectful Ways offers custom-designed P.D. training with subject-matter experts on various Social Emotional Learning topics. Take this survey to identify your SEL educational needs for district and school staff.
We also have onboard training at your school or camp so all staff are comfortable using the student curriculum.

Respectful Ways Workshops
We understand that continuing education and Professional Learning (PD) for your staff is as important as the SEL curriculum itself! We are your wingman in the classroom for your students, educators and families.
We offer 1-hour and 2-hour workshops for parents as well.
All workshops can be tailored for your specific SEL needs. Email for information on pricing.
- Take our survey to let us research and design a suggested P.D. experience for your district, school or program.
- We then turn to our distinguished subject-matter experts to co-host live or taped programming to cover the SEL needs your staff requires.
- From trauma-informed practices ~ to Internet safety ~ to implicit bias ~ we have gathered the best and the brightest to help you find your answers.
Here are 4 examples of well-rounded Respectful Ways workshops for staff and parents.
PD example: Trauma-Informed Learning: Investigating Mental Health Issues and Helping Children Cope
As healing continues from the long-standing impact of COVID-19 and the subsequent quarantine, the need for evidence-based, Trauma-Informed and Culturally Competent practices are of paramount importance. States are looking for ways to support their schools, educators, students and communities in the most effective way.
Educators need guidance and Trauma-Informed Practices are the building blocks to the foundation of any resilient school community. Join us as we discuss the impact of trauma on educators and students -- and how to build an environment that helps everyone succeed. This workshop includes:

- Understanding Developmental Trauma and how it impacts learning and behavior.
- Examination of Trauma-Informed and Culturally Competent strategies that build resilience for all students.
- Review of recommended strategies for supporting our post-pandemic students.
- Educating staff on tools to control emotional triggers and understanding ACE scores. (adverse childhood experiences)
- Review of frameworks for building a resilient school community and the data that can support it.
- Trauma-Informed Social and Emotional Learning and why it is so important in trauma-sensitive schools.
- Educating the heart and the mind through Social and Emotional Learning and HeartMath.
- Examination of school staff mental health with recommended self-help strategies.
In this co-hosted workshop, Attachment & Trauma Network staff and/or other experts in trauma-informed care give real-world advice and suggestions to help educators help their students. This workshop shares the best techniques for handling mental health issues in students, while keeping your own sanity. Educators can experience their own PTSD in certain situations, so we’ll address personal care as well as student support.
We open this workshop to all school staff because all adults in school communities are establishing relationships with students.
PD example: Social and Emotional Learning:
Why SEL Is Important for School Safety and Classroom Management
This workshop is an overview to help with educator buy-in on why today's schools needs SEL curriculum married into their existing daily workload. We’ll give tips on how it eases the day for staff, and show the science that proves emotional well-being improves student outcomes. We do a deep dive into a common question - Bullying VS Peer Conflict; how to recognize the difference and how best to respond. We make learning fun using engaging break-out sessions and scenarios to analyze as a group.
PD example: Today’s Youth:
How Social and Emotional Learning Can Conquer Modern-Day Issues
From juuling and e-cigarettes to sexting and cyberbullying, the i-Generation has introduced some challenging new issues for educators to face head on. We share smart tools and recommendations on how to handle the growing list of today’s unique concerns. Coronavirus has introduced new issues for counselors and educators to work on with students and their families, so we'll propose smart SEL techniques to use during remote-learning this coming fall semester. We also help all staff understand and address the needs of non-binary students and give smart suggestions on how to make your school safe for its LGBTQ population. This workshop is interactive: We share experiences and discuss how different case scenarios should be handled.
PD example: Instructional Frameworks & SEL:
Changing the Culture and Climate of Our Schools and Communities
Adopting a new instructional model like MTSS or PBIS and then adding SEL on top of it, can be a daunting task for any administrator or educator. This workshop will explain why SEL and educational support frameworks belong together. Participants will be given the tools to implement SEL strategies at home and school, for an effective community and school culture shift.
Onboard Training for online courses includes:
Initial onboard Professional Development training for all staff; 1.5 hours in length
1 to 2 Respectful Ways Trainers on site or on Zoom during training
Includes review of SEL and trauma-informed best practices
- Detailed follow-up emails post-training called the "Teachers Lounge" with helpful reminders
2nd meeting about 4 to 6 weeks later for staff with questions and to go over Home Connects for families
Continual check-ins and re-trainings for any staff turnover
**Prices vary depending on location and number of attendees.
Contact or call 404-955-8882 for details.