Welcome Parents!
As your child's first official "teacher" we'd like to start off by acknowledging the hard work and dedication you've given as guardians and parents. Thank you for all you've done and sacrificed for your child. It takes a village and Respectful Ways is honored to be a part of the process.
We offer life skills character curriculum to help children learn how to persevere, give respect, take on responsibility and show compassion. We have targeted courses to help with mental health and student well-being.
Respectful Ways offers parent materials, workshops and webinars, so guardians can learn more about the modern-day issues their children are facing. Our Respectful Ways Facebook page is a great place for you to connect with like-minded parents, share suggestions, or review RW content.
Home Connects: You are a Part of the Process
A parent’s involvement is highly recommended because of the vital benefits involved. Our Home Connects printouts let busy parents find out what lessons, attributes and qualities their kids are learning at a glance. It's personalized information about each module - translated into both English and Spanish - sharing all the respectful language, emotional tools and behaviors your child is learning from Respectful Ways.
You'll see the three Let's Chat conversation questions, the SEL activities they're engaged in, Q&A discussion points to keep the positive conversation going from the classroom to the kitchen, and added Respectful activities to use at home. Our aim is for your children to learn positive behaviors and use these new skill sets every day at school, home, work, and during extracurricular activities.

Learning is one thing, doing is another. That’s why we offer five separate activities around each module. Every little bit helps, so keep an eye out in your home lives for opportunities to apply the behavioral tools they’ve learned. It’s a chance for you all to get a little closer.
Respectful Rewards
Our program includes a Respectful Awards and Rewards Program that you can also be a part of. Persevering through an issue is an important skill set to learn in life, and awards and rewards after a job well done is vital for that satisfying feeling. It’s how kids learn they like positive outcomes.
Browse our respectful merchandise to help support your child’s school.
The Well-Rounded Child
Our program helps make your child a better person. Please connect with us anytime you have issues or advice for our curriculum. We’re believers in transformation so feel free to reach out on behalf of your child or school. We’re all ears!
Thank you for your support and belief in Respectful Ways.