Restorative Practices Fact Sheet

An Overview:
“Restorative justice (also known as Restorative Practice) empowers students to resolve conflicts on their own and in small groups, and it's a growing practice at schools around the country. Essentially, the idea is to bring students together in peer-mediated small groups to talk, ask questions, and air their grievances.” -Edutopia 


Restorative Practices in schools emphasize open and meaningful connections between peers, staff, and communities with intentional use of values such as honesty, trust, and respect. 


Restorative JusticeMain Tenets: 

The National Opportunity to Learn Campaign provides a comprehensive overview of the use of Restorative Practices in schools. The image outlines the main goals of Restorative Practices as they pertain to the overall wellbeing and benefit of schools. 

Restorative Practice in schools combines a multi-leveled tier of support, where students learn skills that build positive relationships, and tools for positive dialogue can help resolve difficult situations. 


Specific Restorative Practices & Activities: 

  • Mediation
  • Restorative Circles
  • Peer Juries
  • Conflict Resolution



Respectful Ways can help schools implement a social and emotional program that promotes a positive school culture -- while giving students more restorative tools.

You will find that Respectful Ways (RW) lessons are consistent in design, all-inclusive, and incorporate these four practices throughout the modules. The curriculum can be used as a universal Tier 1 SEL delivery system, while also benefiting small groups such as restorative circles and mediations. Furthermore, RW provides supplementary and supportive resources for staff education and professional development as well as family contact & inclusion.


Alignment with Respectful Ways:

  1. Modules can be used to anchor restorative circles (see modules below with *)
  2. Breaking modules into each activity will be small enough for morning/daily meetings with teachers
  3. Playing full modules during advisory time will create a schoolwide focus on specific character traits
  4. Add modules specifically for traditional disciplinary times such as ISS and detention
  5. Modules provide reflection time and activities for student to use individually, within small groups, and as full classes
  6. Create school-wide campaigns with modules highlighted in announcements and hallway art

More Restorative Justice Resources from Edutopia


Respectful Ways Modules for Restorative Practices in Education



Module Title

Module Description




I Have The Power To Heal

Students are encouraged to understand they have the power to heal after a loss or experiencing sadness.

Learn about emotion based behavior


Respectful Language Please

Students learn to communicate using respectful words and actions, and discover how tone of voice, emotion, and volume play an important role in communicating

Develop respectful ways to speak with others


It’s Good To Be Dependable!

Students learn the attributes of responsibility, dependability, and self-confidence and how each plays an important role in developing and strengthening peer relationships.

Develop sense of responsibility to others


*Respectful Play Is The Way

Students learn the rules for respectful play and the skills required for teamwork, including cooperation, safety, communication, and problem-solving.

Learn to be respectful to others and have fun


Think First, Then Act

Students learn that choices have negative and positive consequences, and understand that “thinking before acting” plays a critical role in each choice they make.

Learn self-control for positive consequences


Teamwork Makes The Dream Work

Students learn to work and play together and understand the importance of being part of team, which sometimes means putting others’ needs before our own.

Learn about teamwork and collaboration



Be The Best You You Can Be

Students tackle self work through personal reflection to become their best selves.

Learn about personal goals and individuality


I Respect Others

Students deepen their understanding of respect and practice how to show it in different circumstances.

Discuss how respecting others changes a group


Choose To Be Positive

Students learn that although they can’t change what happens to them, responding with positivity is a choice.

Discuss how to handle adversity


Have Fun! Don’t Make Fun

Students walk the path of having fun with friends, instead of making fun.

Understand how to treat others and have friendships


Patience Makes You Stronger

Students practice displaying patience in peer relationships and situations.

Learn about using patience and respect with peers


I Have the Power to Overcome

Students engaging in empathy as a remedy will help heal themselves and others experiencing grief.

Learn how to cope with difficult emotions 


*Let’s Be Good Citizens And Role Models

Students learn to model good citizenship and community in the classroom and in public. 

See how one’s role changes a society


GRADES 6-8 and 9-12

Stand Up For What You Believe In

This course is designed to empower students to learn more about issues they are passionate about and then move towards making a real impact on the world.

Empower the self respectfully


Take The High Road

Students learn to listen to their conscience, take responsibility, and do the right thing – even when it’s difficult.

How to stick to your positive values


I Use Respectful Language

Students practice using respectful language and active listening in the classroom and in public. 

Learn to express yourself and your thoughts


I have the Power to Transform

Igniting the power to transform emotional pain into healing begins through creative expression.

Learn skills to express difficult emotions in a healthy way.


*Do The Right Thing

Students learn respect for themselves and others while developing strong decision-making abilities– which are crucial when faced with difficult situations.

Discuss decision-making


Forgive So You Can Live

Students investigate emotional regulation and conflict resolution; learning how forgiveness frees us up to live our best lives.

Learn how to move on without a chip on your shoulder


Stick Up For Each Other – Be The Change

Students explore the consequences of standing by quietly — in order to change ourselves and the world around us through conflict resolution.

Learn to be a part of community with positive actions