Act of Kindness: A Respectful Summer Review
October 28, 2017
This summer has been very busy for Respectful Ways! We’re in the process of building a new website with added interactive features and we continue to research student news on social media. Even though it was summer break, some students continued their fight against bullying, helping to lift the spirits of fellow students with random acts of kindness.
We featured on our Facebook page the story of one young girl in Fort Myers, Florida, who created bully prevention bracelets. These “smart” bracelets alert the main office of where the student is being bullied so they can step in and help. Paisley Chapman’s bully bracelet includes a GPS tracker and family contact information.
Another young girl, Augusta Halle, created a new way to show acts of kindness through “Gratitude Cards.” After showing a person kindness, the user initials the card and gives it to that person so they can pay the kindness forward. Five-hundred different acts of kindness were shown in her community because of her entrepreneurial spirit!

Burley Junior High School in Idaho also showed acts of kindness through opening their “Share and Care” closet for students who
can’t afford school clothes, food or supplies. Sixty percent of the students that go to Burley are in poverty. This is their way of helping those students live a more comfortable life.
Bullying is still a huge problem in and out of schools, so we here at Respectful Ways believe the best way to fight against bullying is to Respect Others. It’s important to talk about bullying and teach students how to deal with it, but it’s just as important to show them how to commit good deeds and carry out acts of kindness. You can lead by example through Respectful Ways. Take our Survey to see if your school needs social and emotional learning curriculum.
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