Dr. Amy Swann
Dr. Amy Swann is a Fellow at The Mind Trust in Indianapolis and the Chief Academic Officer for Matchbook Learning (MBL). She has spent the last few years improving failing schools in Newark NJ, Detroit MI, and D.C. Under her academic guidance MTA elementary made double digit proficiency gains for students at all grade levels in both reading and math as well as double digit gains in their state ranking. Prior to joining MBL, under Dr. Swann’s leadership, Bate Middle school, went from being a “state watch list school” to being named one of the first national P21 Exemplar schools by the Partnership for 21st Century Schools and featured widely for their work with performance assessments in publications including the Harvard Letter, District Administration, and Tom Vander Ark’s Getting Smart blog. In addition, Dr. Swann’s leadership has been documented and written about in books such as: Five Critical Leadership Practices: The Secret to High Performing Schools by R. Ash & P. Hodge (2016), Beyond Measure: Rescuing an overscheduled, over tested, underestimated generation by Abeles, V. & Rubenstein, G. (2015), and The Test by Kamenetz, A. (2015). In addition to the national work that Dr. Swann has done, she has also spoken and published papers internationally during International Symposiums on Education Leadership in Jyvaskyla Finland, at the University of Shanghai, and Uppsala, Sweden.
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