Free Family Fun Printouts to Keep Mental Health in Check this Summer

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Support your kids’ emotional health this summer! 

Social skills, emotional intelligence and self-care strategies are most effective when they are reinforced at home. 

Every Respectful Ways course comes with a Home Connects printout, written in both English and Spanish. These entertaining activities help families engage directly with their students’ social and emotional learning path.

Respectful Ways is giving away access to some of our most popular activity printouts!

Home Connects reviews and reinforces what your child is learning in their Respectful Ways courses, with Learning Objectives, Let’s Chat Conversation Questions, Respectful Ways Q&A, and the most fun of all: Activity ideas to do at home! 

Your child learns the importance of Compassion, Perseverance, Respect and Responsibility while developing hands-on tools to help them achieve. Click these links to see our Home Connects materials:


Come along on this important educational journey by using these printouts with your kids all summer long. 

Respectful Ways digital courses offer hundreds of research-based, interactive activities to capture the hearts and minds of your children in fun, hands-on, and engaging ways. Educators and counselors present Respectful Ways in the classroom, or students can experience them at home using student-access digital courses. Lessons include original poetry, powerful discussions and project-based activities that help your child socially and emotionally develop -- while having fun in the process!


Home Connects come in English and Spanish, for 3 age groups:

Home Connects for Pre-K - Grade 2

Home Connects for Grades 3-5

Home Connects for Grades 6-12

Advice! - Keep them in plain sight around the house so they’re easily accessible.

We hope you enjoy new activity ideas to experience with your child this summer, while benefitting from some quality family time.


Note: Respectful Ways offers trauma-informed social-emotional learning curriculum for four age groups: PreK-2, 3-5, 6-8 and 9-12. Students engage with interactive, digital modules covering compassion, perseverance, respect and responsibility.





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