National SEL Week – 10 SEL Activities to Engage Kids Now
March 4, 2024
There is a growing need for social and emotional learning - now more than ever. Whether you’re a student, working adult, business owner or retired, every stage of life can benefit from skills that promote emotional growth and healthy relationships with ourselves and others.
Why promote and celebrate social
and emotional learning?
The benefits of SEL are extensive. Studies prove that academic success goes hand-in-hand with social and emotional learning. suggests that students with strong social and emotional skills are more equipped to:
- Stay organized
- Be self-motivated
- Cooperate with others
- Manage their stress
In addition, SEL has been shown to help people solve problems and step away from negative peer pressure. SEL can build character, reduce bullying incidents and even reduce dropout rates in school. Learning social and emotional skills enhances connection, self-acceptance and self-confidence.
So, let’s celebrate, hop on the SEL train and get the word out there.
National SEL Week and International SEL Day
Every year, SEL4US and Urban Assembly host International SEL Day. This is a day designated to all things SEL. The initiative is designed to promote social and emotional learning to all, and advocate for SEL within our own communities.
This year, International SEL Week starts Monday, March 3rd with a focus on Today's Students, Tomorrow's Leaders.
The goal is to celebrate the power of youth voice and youth leadership in social and emotional learning.
Throughout National SEL Week and International SEL Day, March 3-7, we’re calling on you to share the significance of social and emotional learning! Use this social media toolkit to share your personal important messages on SEL using graphics, hashtags and more to showcase meaningful social and emotional skills that support future readiness, academic success, and leadership skills.
How to Celebrate at School
There are a variety of ways to integrate SEL into everyday teaching and learning that can be entertaining and fun!
10 SEL Day Activities you can engage in right now:
- Assemblies
- Morning announcements involving The Promise Pledge
- SEL circles-designate time for students to share
- Displays such as posters, bulletin boards, or door decorating contests
- SEL library with SEL themed books and SEL read alouds
- Share your SEL story to inspire others in person or on social media
- SEL contests such as artwork, poetry, stories, speeches, and videos
- Family engagement-hold an SEL themed event or share information through Home Connects highlighting SEL targeted activities
- Staff leadership-lead by example
- SEL lessons-teach social skills and emotional intelligence to your students
Respectful Ways offers ready-to-implement, engaging, trauma-informed digital SEL curriculum for PreK-Grade12. Lessons and hands-on activities address social-emotional learning topics including: Bullying, Conflict Resolution, Emotional Regulation, Mental Health, Personal Safety and more.
Want to get more involved with SEL Day?
Join in on some more SEL fun with these exciting opportunities!
- Sign up for SEL Day and submit your organization's public, non-promotional SEL Day/Week event for posting consideration on the SEL Day website.
So, during National SEL Week and International SEL Day, take some time to reflect on social emotional learning and its personal impact on you and your students.
What positive changes and growth have you seen within yourself and others? Don’t be afraid to share your story. You never know the positive influence you can make in someone's life. Let’s use this SEL week to promote and celebrate the power of social and emotional well-being!
Respectful Ways offers trauma-informed social-emotional learning curriculum for four age groups: PreK-2, 3-5, 6-8 and 9-12. Students engage with interactive, digital modules covering compassion, perseverance, respect and responsibility.
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