Program Overview Summary

A User-Friendly SEL Program

Busy? We know. That's why we do all the prep work for you to make implementation easy. Respectful Ways digital modules come either a la carte so you just choose and use -- or you can purchase our bundle option to save money. Take a short survey to figure out your school's specific behavioral needs and we'll custom-make a SEL program calendar for you, for free! All subscriptions come with digital and physical classroom management tools to assist you in teaching the material.

Parents and guardians are involved in the learning process via our personalized Home Connects educational materials available in both English and Spanish - and soon other languages such as Arabic and Pashto. 


Interactive Online Courses

Our interactive, animated courses are typically hosted by counselors or teachers via whiteboard or projector. Each fully-planned course has five research-based activities and comes with step-by-step instructions, detailed in your Companion Teacher Guide. We’ve designed the modules to fit right into your busy schedule. Whether you take 15 minutes every morning to start the day in a positive way, or stagger them over the course of a few weeks, you have the freedom to use Respectful Ways as you need!

Try out a DEMO course to see all that’s been built and designed with you and your students in mind!

Respectful Ways SEL Course Modules

Professional Development Training

On-Boarding, SEL Workshops and Webinars

We provide dedicated on-board training that lasts as long as your educators and school counselors need it. Each module is available for ALL faculty to access the entire school year for the same price.


We also offer custom-designed Professional Development SEL training, including workshops on Trauma-Sensitive Schools and Adverse Childhood Experiences. Fill out our survey with what educators and counselors are looking for in P.D., and our partners of best-selling authors and award-winning educators will share the latest SEL information available. You’ll have access to some of the biggest influencers around.

Accreditation for CEUs is available.

Classroom Respectful Signage & Let's Chat Conversation Cards


Thanks to our Respectful Signage, everyone’s using the same positive language! Each module comes with a removable vinyl sign to post in help emphasize the message in common areas and classrooms. The emojis and texting speech bubbles catch kids’ eyes and reinforce the slogans for systemic SEL throughout your school or camp.

Use this classroom tool to your advantage!

The Respectful reminder signs allow you to address the behavior and not the student directly — keeping everyone accountable and on task.
You get back to "teaching time" more quickly.

The Let’s Chat Conversation Cards are a hallmark of our program. These exploratory questions help students break the ice and discuss the module theme in small groups.

We can’t wait to see what your students come up with!


Research-Based Activities


We’ve written hundreds of research-based, unique activities with objectives, discussion guidance, and detailed suggestions on how to expand the lessons. Each diverse and immersive activity explores a different dimension of the module’s theme, pulls out a different meaning of the lessons they teach and gives your students real world applications to take outside of the classroom.

Our Cast of Characters and Ambassador RILEY WAYS

Riley Ways and a lively cast of animated, multicultural characters from all walks of life host the online modules. As your teaching assistants, they entertain as they guide students through our thought-provoking activities. These relatable “friends” grow in age with your students as they progress through the program.


Gamification and Certificates

AWARD for Own Your Actions

Kids love to play games and earn recognition for their hard work.

Your students' ears will perk up once they see the great prizes they can win when they abide by the rules and have a lot of fun doing it! From the "Super Human" Cape they can wear for being "Super Respectful" to individualized award certificates, kids can be celebrated for their kind behaviors.

Parent Resources & RW Forums

Parents are intimately involved in every module through “Respectful Ways Home Connects”. These printouts, translated in English and Spanish, detail what their students are learning and offer ways to further the discussion. Other ways to get involved in the SEL conversation: Use Facebook or LinkedIn to collaborate, share classroom stories, and find better ways to engage your students.


We also have a special RW Student Forum for classrooms to share their work and participate in after-school activities. Email for more information!